How much CAEATFA is available for my company?

CAEATFA awards $100 million in Sales and Use Tax Exclusion annually to advanced manufacturers, to assist them in purchasing machinery and equipment to retain and expand high-end manufacturing across the State. To better ensure an equitable distribution of STE to the various industries, CAEATFA established a per applicant cap of $20 million each calendar year, to enable the program to assist both small and larger projects.

Awards are granted on a monthly basis, with applicants requesting award amounts and negotiating final credit agreements with CAEATFA representatives. It takes between three and six months to win an award and unfortunately the sales/tax exclusion is not retroactive. So apply now.

To forecast the amount of tax credit for your organization, please complete the form below with only your best estimates at this time.

    Part 1: Your Information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)






    Zip Code

    Phone Number


    Part 2: How much do you plan to invest in plant/equipment...

    How much do you plan to invest in plant/equipment in 2025?

    How much do you plan to invest in plant/equipment in 2026?

    How much do you plan to invest in plant/equipment in 2027?

    Part 3: How many F/T employees do you currently employ in CA?

    How many F/T employees will you hire in 2025?

    How many F/T employees will you hire in 2026?

    How many F/T employees will you hire in 2027?

    Total full-time, California-based employees (Total from above)