ETP: Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some common questions and answers. Click on each question below to reveal its answer.
Q. What are ETP’s priorities?
A. The ETP targets funding to corporations who benefit California’s economy as a whole, rather than any individual companies or industries. The Panel’s emphasis is on companies that are export oriented, but will fund training across all industries.
Q. Where does ETP get its funding?
A. ETP gets its money from the Unemployment Insurance (UI) fund. The UI fund is administered by the State’s Employment Development Department (EDD).
Q. Why should individual tax dollars go to large, profitable multinationals to retrain their workers?
A. ETP money is not your tax dollars paid to the Franchise Tax Board. ETP funding comes from the UI tax, which is an employer; therefore, ETP is not publicly funded. Most likely, your company has a positive reserve of UI monies paid to EDD over the years. The ETP program is one way that California is reinvesting in its essential industries.
Q. Where can I learn more about the ETP program?
A. ETP has an extensive website ( where you will find a variety of informative facts and policies regarding the fund.
Q. Are the UI benefits of our employees affected by participating in ETP?
A. No. Although ETP gets its money from the UI fund, your workers’ individual “base-period wage” which is used to calculate the amount of UI you are to receive in the event they are displaced is not affected.
Q. What confidential information for our employees is required by ETP?
A. ETP is required to confirm employment and to report anonymous base-line demographic data to the Governor and State Legislature. ETP aggregates the data by county and does not identify individual information.
Q. How do I get started?
A. Complete the Get Started section of this website and an H&C representative will contact you within 24 hours.